Michael 5th May 2020

It was a terrible shock to hear of the sudden passing of my dear Thames Hospice “Shift Buddy” Liz. I have so many happy memories of our time together over the past eight years at our 'favourite shop'. She was a resourceful, energetic, multi-talented young lass who could be relied upon to overcome any problem. She put the hours in willingly and signed up for 'homework' too. Many a kindly donated 'tired' treasure would get the Liz magic and be transformed to their former glory.Thus refreshed, priced and placed in the shop, they would often have found a new owner by the end of our shift. Her repetoire of talents seemed endless. Her stories and anecdotes were a joy and influenced by her 'theatrical' upbringing. They had charm, wit and spot-on accents. Her Mrs Overall was one of my favourites and, yes, most of the tea stayed in the cup! I will really miss Liz but will concentrate on remembering the laughter, fun and support we enjoyed together and with our fellow volunteers. It was a privilege to call Liz my friend and she will be greatly missed. When the world returns to normal and our 'favourite shop' re-opens, I know that she will be keeping an eye on us. She was and is an angel. Mike xx