Camilla rose 3rd May 2020

Wonderful Liz. So clever, so funny, so wise, so true and so very real (and that’s the part that I treasure). Your compassion for others was overwhelming. You are that angel people talk about, the one who puts everyone else before themselves. I loved being around you! You helped me in so many ways. I have learnt a lot from you dear Liz, more than you would ever know! Your stories had us both in fits at times as well as the odd tear. Loved every minute of them. Oh and all those endless cups of tea you made me! We spoke so much about your love for bees and I know that you’ve sent me signs. Please continue Liz as those times remind me of you and our chats, our laughter, our out loud thoughts that we probably shouldn’t have shared but “who is going to tell us off?!” Liz, I’m so grateful for our time. I miss you and I made a friend for life in you. Lots of love always, Camilla x